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What Counts - 20210406 - by Mark Bishop Evans
I know there are things that I’ve done that other men only have dreamed
And then there are games that I’ve won when others could not make the team
I know there are roads that I’ve passed where others would surely get lost
But sometimes I traveled so fast I hardly can measure the cost

So it don’t really count what you’ve got as much as it counts who you are
And though beauty can help you a lot we learn so much more from our scars

I know I’ve had loves in my life that kindled the envy of men
I’ve soared upon wings to the heights and learned how to feign and pretend
In all this I truly have found that value and praise aren’t the same
Where riches and treasures abound, we tend to lose more that we gain.


Now the fire of a ruby so fine grows dim with the passing of light
And the glow of the starts in the sky can’t happen until it is night

So it don’t really count what you’ve got as much as it counts who you are
And though beauty can help you a lot we learn so much more from our scars